Best Pen To Sign Documents

Various Ways to Choose The Best Pen To Sign Documents


Have you ever wondered what the best pen for signing documents would be? The answer lies in a number of factors:

  • How many documents do you need to sign?
  • Is signing documents something you need to do on a regular basis?
  • How ‘official’ are the documents you need to sign?
  • Typically, what kind of paper are the documents printed on to?
  • Are there any specific requirements for each document?

Let’s look into these factors in a little more detail before we look into the best pen to sign documents with.

How many documents do you need to sign?

If you have a large number of documents to sign, you will need a pen that is reasonably lightweight, has a smooth glide and is easy to handle. This is especially true if you are not used to handwriting for long periods of time, or your wrist and hand are not particularly strong. A ballpoint pen is often a good choice for heavy duty document signing.

Choose a ballpoint pen made from a sturdy but lightweight material. A titanium ballpoint pen or aluminum ballpoint pen would make a good choice. If you are able to put in a little practice time, an edc fountain pen can also be a great option as they don’t require a lot of pressure to move across the paper.

Do you need to sign documents regularly?

If you need to sign a lot of documents every day, you need a pen that is going to be robust. If this is something you’ve been doing for a while, it’s more likely you have built up strength in your wrist and hand, so a stainless steel edc ballpoint pen could be ideal – it is robust and hardwearing so you can carry it with you and always have a trustworthy pen to hand.

How ‘official’ are the documents you need to sign?

If you are signing documents that may be considered more official or symbolic, such as graduation certificates or policy agreements, a luxury fountain pen is likely to be your best option. Fountain pens come in many shapes and forms now, and are currently seeing a resurgence in popularity. They are easy to maneuver around the paper and are recognized as being more of a luxury option than other pens.

What kind of paper do you need to sign?

If the paper quality is very good, you have a greater choice of pens to work with as the ink is less likely to bleed through to the other side, or ‘feather’ out which can blur the letters. If the documents are printed onto thinner paper, you will need to be more choosy with the pen you use. An edc ballpoint pen with good glide and ink flow that isn’t too free-flowing is a good option.

Does the document have any specific requirements?

It’s always worth reading the small print or accompanying guidance documents before signing on the dotted lines, because some organizations and government departments specify a certain ink color and either lowercase of capital letters. If there are no restrictions, blue ink tends to work better as it stands out from the black type often used on documents.

Top tips for signing documents.

In addition to finding the best pen for signing documents, it can be helpful to follow some other guidelines for signing documents, to make it easier on your wrist and your sanity. Follow these tips to help you with your document signing:

1. Take regular breaks.

Signing a lot of documents can become tiring after a while. Give your wrist and hand a chance to recover, and your mind a break from the monotony by taking a break every fifteen minutes. Get up and walk around, look out of a window, drink some water. Think about ways to refresh yourself as you take your breaks.

2. Write different things.

Writing the same signature over and over can cause repetitive strain. You can avoid this by giving yourself something slightly different to write, to variety the movements your hand and wrist are making. Try doodling, sketching or writing out full sentences every few minutes for variety.

3. Do wrist exercises.

Keep your wrists supple so they can carry out the hard work of document signing without becoming strained, too tired, or painful. Take a break every fifteen minutes to do a few exercises to help loosen up your wrist.

Choosing the best pen for signing documents is a fun exercise! Experiment with a variety of different pens to find one that works for you.


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