3 Reasons Why Patriotism is Important

3 Reasons Why Patriotism is Important

No matter if you are born in the US or immigrated here, without any doubt being an American is a great feeling. America is a land of free and home of various opportunities. Suppose you are an American, then you may start your business about something, which interests you and make your livelihood. You must be proud of your nation that you call your home, however, some people do not actually know how they can express their pride and job. Here we have listed some ways you can show your patriotism towards your country by wearing patriotic shirts. Let us know if want to learn a few more ways. Let us look at some reasons why it is important to have patriotism in you.

  1. Flag Day

On this special day we celebrate our American flag and nation as a whole, putting on patriotic shirts and clothing will help to make the day more celebratory. When you fill your backyard with the American flags, do not forget to put your favorite shirt featuring your country flag or colors that represent our nation.

  1. Fly Stars & Stripes Properly

There’re many guides out there, which help people to understand the American flag & how to fly this rightly, still lots of people do not know-how. Whereas you may have very good intentions to display your American flag, in case you display this incorrectly, these intentions will not be represented rightly. Generally, the American flag must be tallest on the flag poles and must be lit during the night in a vase you think of leaving it outside. Also, for people flying this flag from the porch, the union must be towards the pole’s peak.

  1. Enjoy the parade

Many Flag Day parades, events, and concerts are held across our country for celebrating this important day. Philadelphia’s annual Stripes & Stars Festival that commemorates Army’s anniversary, may include the flag-raising ceremony, parade, skydiving performance as well as naturalization ceremony for the new citizens. There are many other cities & towns that host events to commemorate the veterans & military families. These events require volunteers, thus it might not be very late to make Flag Day meaningful just by pitching in.


American patriotism expands to the interests all over the world and desire of seeing others live as we live and enjoying same rights. We demand the people of America to have interest in extending their love and blessings of freedom across the world and work towards their nation. Our close attachment, ultimately, isn’t to the nation, defined as the particular geographical place and a particular group of homogenous persons. It’s to the universal ideal of freedom, which prompts us to extend the freedom—and blessings accompany it—all over the world. It isn’t paternalistic but deeply patriotic looking to the betterment of the nation & the world. It’s the greatest actualization of deeply felt urges as well as lofty ideals.

Patriotism includes a show of our affection, like reaching out to others in their times of need. A true patriot is keen to show their love toward the people, at times when no one is watching.

Final Words 

There is not any denying that people who know about themselves well and can identify their values and beliefs are more attractive. On top of this, people who stick by their assets and practice them often by not getting afraid of displaying their affection and loyalty are stronger. You do not need to be the soldier in your war to stay patriotic. By having your identity & waving your flag proudly, you also can be a proud American.


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