How to Choose the Right Beer Keg Sizes and Dimensions?

How to Choose the Right Beer Keg Sizes and Dimensions?

The use of kegs is the best solution for the production, storage and dispensing of beer. In the barrels, your drink will stay fresh longer without losing a note of taste. In addition, kegs are much more cost-effective and convenient to operate than glass bottles or tin cans.

You just need to figure out what are the existing types of barrels and decide which ones to buy for your production.

Beer Keg Sizes and Dimensions

Let’s start from the biggest to the smallest:

  • Half Barrel 

This is the most popular model that is used in most modern breweries, bars or restaurants. It is designed for 15.5 gallons (or 165 glass bottles of 12 ounces each)

Barrel parameters: 23 x 16 inches. Empty, it weighs 30 pounds and 160 when the container is full to the top.

  • Quarter Barrel Keg

This barrel is slightly smaller than the previous one: it has a capacity of 7.75 gallons (83 glass bottles of 12 ounces).

There are two Quarter Barrel Keg models: standard and Slim.

The standard model has 16” in diameter and 13” in height. Slim is higher and thinner: only 11” in diameter and 23” in height. The empty tank weighs 22 pounds and the full one 87 pounds.

In general, it is one of the best and most convenient barrels, which is used by many brewers around the world.

  • Sixth Barrel

This barrel only holds 5.16 gallons, which makes it a great option for those who produce small batches of alcoholic beverages.

Diameter – 9”, height – 23”. The weight of the empty tank is 16.5 pounds, and of the full one – 58 pounds.

  • Corny Keg

This is the smallest container for the production and storage of beer. It can be of different sizes, but the most popular option is a barrel for 5 gallons.

Its parameters are 23” x 9”, and the weight is 9 pounds (empty) and 46.6 (full).

How to Select the Right Beer Keg Size?

If you are only testing a new recipe or you have a small production, it is best to purchase a Cornelius or a ⅙ barrel keg.

For large bars, it is better to choose Half Barrel or Quarter Barrel Keg.

Among all the companies that supply such products, we recommend the Beverage Craft brand The company has been selling beer equipment for over 10 years and can help you choose the optimal size and type of barrel that will meet all the production needs of your business.