uninstall Avast Secure browser

How to uninstall or remove Avast Secure Browser? 3 simple methods


Recently, an invisible installation of bundled components occurred during the Avast Antivirus setup. These include Avast Secure Browser, VPN, password manager, PC cleaner and more. It takes time to manually check what you need and what you don’t. We also do not recommend installing it with Avast Antivirus, as a vulnerability has been discovered in Avast Secure Browser that will allow hackers to access files on your computer.

  1. Uninstall Avast Secure Browser using Control Panel.

Step 1. Open the Windows 10 Control Panel and go to the Programs and Features tab in one of the following ways:

  • Press WIN + X or right-click on the Start menu and select Programs and Features.
  • Click the Start menu, Settings> System, and select Apps  & Features.
  • Press Search and enter the program and function.

Uninstall Avast Secure Browser

How to uninstall Avast Secure Browser

Step 2. By using the sort or search option, you can seek Avast Secure Browser from the list and then confirm to uninstall the application.

Step 3. Launch the uninstaller, select whether to clear the data reference or continue, and click Uninstall. Wait for the action to complete. After that, you will be asked four optional questions.

  1. Use the registry to uninstall Avast Secure Browser

Important: The next step involves system registry operations, which can confuse the average user.

Step 1. Press WIN+R to open the command prompt and type “regedit”.

Step 2. For your safety, make a backup of your registry. To do this, press File> Export. Now, you need to put in the name of the file and then choose the saved location further proceed by saving it. Click “Save”.

uninstall Avast Secure Browser

How to delete Avast Secure Browser

Step 3. You need to delete the old and unused files on this browser. You also need to ensure that you do so carefully. Press CTRL+F key combination to open Search and enter “Avast”.

uninstall Avast Secure Browser2

 How to remove Avast Secure Browser

Step 4. Then click on the folder found in the menu on the left and press the Delete key. Then click F3 to move to the next folder. Keep following the instructions until you notice the notification of “Search complete”.

Step 5. To remove the Avast Secure Browser, remove the obsolete files in the C: / ProgramData / AVAST software. Also, check your local and roaming folders for unwanted Avast subfolders. Find them in C: / Users / username / App Data, delete them and sigh of relief.

If you do not see the ProgramData and AppData folders, do the following: Open File Explorer, press View> Options in the top bar, select Hidden Files, Folders, Drivers and click OK.

uninstall Avast Secure Browser

  1. Using the uninstall tool to uninstall Avast Secure Browser

Advanced users often also use special utilities to uninstall the Avast Secure Browser. Many of these are on the market for all tastes, but some are more popular and powerful. As an example, let’s use IObit Uninstaller and CCleaner to remove Avast Browser.

First IObit uninstaller. Open the Programs tab, go to the Avast Secure Browser icon, select it, and click the Uninstall option in the upper right corner.

uninstall Avast Secure Browser

In a new window, click Create Restore Point, automatically delete the remaining files if necessary and press Uninstall again. After that, the standard uninstall process runs while the registry and obsolete files are automatically cleaned. Finally, the user will be able to see the uninstall results, for example, free space on the hard drive, the number of deleted programs and files, etc.

Now, let`s try to uninstall the Avast browser in CCleaner. Run the application, go to the Tools menu, click Uninstall tab. In the dropdown applications list, right-click to choose a program, then press Uninstall.

uninstall Avast Secure Browser

This will open a regular uninstaller. Follow the process step by step to remove Secure Browser. Then go to the Registry section, scroll down and press Scan for Issues. A short scan (up to 10 seconds) will result in a list of obsolete registry entries. Select the elements you need and press Fix Selected Issues.

uninstall Avast Secure Browser

After you confirm the action, the program will prompt you to create a restore point (we recommend accepting it too), then click Fix Selected Issues and Close.


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