How to Play Escape From Tarkov With Friends?

How to Play Escape From Tarkov With Friends?

Escape from Tarkov is a great game with so much fun even when you’re playing alone. However, due to the challenging and extreme conditions in the game, playing with friends can be very advantageous. Added to the additional effort they provide, they also make the game more fun.

Also, to help in increasing your chances of winning in the game we recommend some cheats for escape from Tarkov. So, in this article, we have provided a guide on how to add friends and play together in escape from Tarkov.

Playing with Friends

●    Creating your friend-base

Before you can play Escape from Tarkov with friends, you first need to add them to your friend list. To do this, you first have to ask them what their usernames in the game are. After that, you proceed to the main menu screen of the game. On the main menu screen, you will find the messenger button at the bottom to the right.

Once you have the messenger open, tap the Friends button. The Friends button is usually located at the top, to the right of the messenger window. On this screen, you will find a search bar labeled enter player nickname. To add your friend, type your friend’s username in the search bar.

After completing the above process, a friend request will be sent to your friend. Once your friend accepts the request, you can then proceed into the game together.

●    Accepting Friends

How do I accept friends who sent me requests? If your friend sent you a friend request already, you have to accept the request to be able to play with them. First off, you must ask for, and get the username of the friend or friends whose requests you want to accept.

Then open the messenger option found at the bottom right of the main menu. You will find the friends button at the top right corner, click on it. On the friends menu, you will see a list of your friends, sent friend requests, and pending requests.

Navigate to your friends’ usernames and accept their requests. Once you accept the requests, you will be able to see each other on your friends list. Simply select friends you want to play with and proceed to the game. Also, note that the friends you select must be online before they can join your games.

●    Proceeding into The game with your Squad

Having friends on your friend list isn’t all there is to playing the game with friends. You have to create your squad and proceed into the game together. To begin the game, select the map, time phase, PMC, and loadout. Your friends should also do the same, with the map and time phase option being the same as yours.

If you all did the above step correctly, your friends will be visible in the lobby once you open the Prepare for escape menu. On the Prepare for action screen, right-click on their usernames and select Invite to group.

They will receive an invitation to join your group once you click on the Invite to group option. Once they accept the invitation, you all can proceed to the game together, as a squad by clicking on  Ready. When you spawn into the game with your friends, you spawn in the same location or close by.

Note: You should note that in the game, whoever sent out the invites automatically becomes the team leader. Also, you cannot play Escape from Tarkov with friends offline.

Things to note about your squad

There are several things you should take into consideration when you play Escape from Tarkov with friends. Let’s consider them.

●    Communication

Proper communication not only gives your team a coordinated gaming action, but it helps in several other ways. You may need to inform a team member about loots or an enemy close by, or even your current location. Also note that in the game, there is no means to identify a team member from a foe. Proper communication can help you avoid being killed accidentally by a teammate, or you killing a fellow team member.

●    Know your Squadmates

In Escape from Tarkov, knowing the players you proceed to the game with is important, I’ll tell you why. It is a common incidence where you receive a friend request from another player you killed online. In this scenario, you can’t tell the motive behind their sending the request, so follow your gut instincts.

They want to be in your squad for one of two reasons: either they like the way you played, or they want to steal from you. In the game, you can be killed by a fellow teammate who wants to steal your loots, so be careful.

●    PMCs and Scavs

In Escape from Tarkov, you can play with your friends either as Scavs or PMCs. Also, you are allowed to create a team of not more than 5 players if you play as a PMC. On the other hand, Scavs allows you to play with just 4 players in a squad. So, no matter the number of friends on your list, you have to choose who to play with.


Teamwork not only increases your odds of you surviving the beautiful and dangerous land of Tarkov. But it also gives you an increased advantage of having a taste of winning. While it may be a walkover for some, creating a team can be an issue for other newbies. So we hope that the article above will prove a comprehensive guide to help you create that team.


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