Online Quiz
Online Quiz

How to make online quiz using Think Exam Online Examination Software?


Quizzes come in various sizes to fit into the requirements of anybody who wants to conduct it. To name some of the most famous types of quizzes, we have got – personality quiz, scored quiz, multiple choice quiz, yes or no quiz, knowledge testing quiz, etc…

Think Exam gives you the feasibility to create all types of online quizzes with ultimate ease. In just a few simple steps you will get the perfect quiz that you ever wanted.

1st step

Sign Up and create an account.

Sign up on Think Exam and create your account by adding details in the mandatory fields. Also, it is important to add your email id as you will be sent an activation email that will ascertain that your account is active and can be used now.

2nd step

Get to know the platform and its functionalities.

Think Exam is a vast quiz creating platform that has got a variety of features and functionalities which must be explored. The interface is easy to understand and you can take the help of various popups and instructions that will guide you throughout the task of quiz creation.

3rd step

Click on the “Create a new test” button given on the header of the panel.

This is the beginning step of creating a quiz. Think Exam is also used as a platform to create tests and assessments. But you need to create a quiz so start according to that only.

  • Think about the topic for your quiz keeping your target audience in mind.

Quizzes need to have a very interesting topic that can grip the attention of the ones attempting the quiz. For ideas, you can take the help of Google by searching for the most interesting/recent/liked quiz topics.

If you are creating an academic quiz then it is not that difficult to figure out the topic. Just be sure as to what you want to assess through the quiz and keep the topic relevant to it.

  • Create a title for your quiz.

In the “Test Name” section you have to provide a title for your quiz. Now that you have decided on the subject of your quiz so it shouldn’t be that difficult to figure out the title for your quiz. If you are creating a general quiz try to make the title sound interesting and captivating. Bring out a sense of curiosity in the title that will automatically grip the attention of the quiz taker.

In the case of the academic-based quiz, you should opt for a more direct title that represents the subject or topic on which you are creating the quiz.

  • Create a new test

Once you have decided the title and mentioned it under the ‘Test Name” field, move on to add other details such as the category of the quiz and test duration. Also, you get the option to add quiz instructions, total marks (if it is a score based quiz), difficulty level and total questions.

  • Select “Test Template” for your quiz

If you are creating a quiz that is academic based then you can make choice of a relevant customizable template. The template options are- Default, GATE, CSIR, SSC, CAT, Med./Bank, IIT, NMAT/MBA.

4th step

Move to the “Test Setting” part and define the settings of your online quiz.

Now that you have created the quiz you should go to the settings part. Here you can arrange and group random questions and fix other settings such as-

  • Test Options
  • Time setting
  • End test setting
  • Generate rank setting
  • Candidate report setting
  • Full screen
  • Multiple attempt

Go through each and every setting and chose the options that are relevant to your quiz.

5th step

Plan the type of your questions and create them.

Questions play a key role in enhancing the quality of any type of quiz. It is important to plan your questions in advance so that they are in sync with the answers and the final outcome (result). Go through some other quizzes for ideas or if it is an academic quiz then take reference from the questions in the textbooks.

  • Now start creating the questions.

In the “Add Question” section you can start creating the questions. There are three ways of creating them-

  • Directly add question from the question bank.
  • Add question by importing an excel sheet.
  • Manually creating the question.

For creating an interesting quiz you need to take care of its length. It should not contain questions less than 10 and more than 20 (which is the ideal count). Also, you need to take care of the length of the questions. Any question that has got more than 260 characters is considered to be lengthy and difficult to understand.

Think Exam provides you with a total of 9 question varieties that are- Multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, Fill in the blanks, match following, match matrix, single-digit, subjective and essay.

6th step

Add relevant answers and options to your questions.

In case of multiple choice questions quiz (MCQ quiz), you need to provide distractors which are the other options provided along with the correct answer. The distractors should be relevant to both the question and the correct answer.

Distractors play an important role in maintaining the reliability of the quiz, so it is important to pay extra attention to creating distractors that are not too obvious. When making distractors you can take the help of Google search and read proper instruction on “how to create good distractors?” This way you will be assured that your quiz is effective.

Keep a check on the length of the answers, they shouldn’t be too long. Also, try to keep the length of the answers and distractors equal. This way you can prevent any sort of guesswork that the candidates might put when attempting the quiz.

7th step

Preview and publish

The end step that goes into online quiz creation is preview and publishing. The option to preview the quiz gives you an estimate view of how your quiz attempting candidates will see the quiz on their different devices. Once you are sure that the quiz is looking just perfect and that the font and text size is readable then you can finally click on the “Publish” button.


  • Avoid using abbreviated terms that are not much common or have more than two types of full forms; it can be confusing.
  • Please take care of your word usage, grammar, and spellings. Also, punctuation marks are important and their placement should be taken care of.

Avoid using puns, jokes or sarcasm in your quiz. It can hurt the sentiments of some people and might even become a point of controversy.