name invisible on discord

How to make your name invisible on discord

Name invisible on discord:

Have you ever been caught up in a situation where you were told to introduce yourself in front of everyone and you wish you were just invisible for the moment? Well, your wish has come true, at least digitally.

Why to make your name invisible on discord?

Simple, so that people don’t get to know whether you exist or not! And your name will not be reflected in the server.

How to make your name blank on discord?

The moment you sign up for discord, you have to enter your name and you cannot leave the blank. So, if you wish to leave the field blank or at least you want to make them see blank, you have to make the website pretend that a text has been added. In order to do that you need an invisible text generator. This generator generates invisible texts that can’t be read by humans but can only be understood by computers. So, whenever you sign up for discord or want to change your username you can easily paste the text and become instantaneously invisible!

There are almost no invisible text generators available easily online, so we have found out it to make that happen. It’s super easy, just follow the steps.

Note: This is a very easy method and everyone should be able to pull this out without any issues. So, make sure you follow it correctly.

Step 1: Open Microsoft word or notepad

Step 2: Type any random text in the body

Step 3: Now here comes the fun part, select the text then press Alt + 0160 (not pressing the “+ “button). Make sure you enter those numbers from number pad only.

Step 4: After entering the number, you will see the text has been disappeared

Step 5: press Ctrl + A to select the hidden text and then press Ctrl + C to copy, so that you can paste anywhere you want it.

Step 6: Launch discord

Step 7: Click on settings icon at the bottom beside your username, then click on edit

Step 8: In the username field, paste the text you copied by pressing Ctrl + V and it will paste automatically. Now enter your discord password and click save

Finally, you have become invisible. However, if you look closely then you will see a symbol on your username because it has to show some character to verify the existence of an account, but it won’t be as much visible as the name.

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Hope you are able to go through all the steps effortlessly in changing the discord username. you can also search for Unicode generator online and try following the method again by pasting the Unicode characters as the username, it will work out as well.