Formula E, also known as the FIA Formula E Championship, is a groundbreaking motorsport series that focuses on electric-powered cars. Its inception can be traced back to 2011. At this moment, Jean Todt, the president of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), announced plans for an all-electric racing championship. The goal was to promote sustainable and eco-friendly technology in the automotive industry, while also creating an exciting and competitive racing platform. The casino online from 1xBet features great games to enjoy while waiting for the next Formula E event.
The origins of Formula E gained momentum in 2012 when Alejandro Agag, a Spanish businessman and former politician, founded Formula E Holdings. Agag recognized the potential of electric vehicles (EVs) and saw an opportunity to showcase their capabilities through motorsports. With the support of the FIA, he became the CEO of the new championship. From this point on he laid the foundation for what would become an innovative and forward-thinking racing series. Visit the online casino from 1xBet, where it is possible to try your luck while waiting for different types of motorsports.
Fighting skepticism
In 2013, the FIA officially sanctioned Formula E as an international championship. The inaugural season of Formula E took place in 2014, featuring ten teams and twenty drivers. The championship showcased cutting-edge technology, including fully-electric racing cars capable of reaching speeds of up to 140 mph (225 km/h). Sign up to the Indian online casino 1xBet while you wait for the next Formula E event to take place.
One of the unique aspects of Formula E is its focus on street circuits. Unlike traditional motorsports that take place on purpose-built tracks, Formula E races are held on temporary street circuits. They are normally located in the heart of major cities around the world. This concept not only adds an urban flair to the championship but also allows for greater accessibility to fans. It also raises awareness about electric mobility in urban environments.
The early seasons of Formula E faced some skepticism. Critics questioned the performance and sound of the electric cars compared to their combustion engine counterparts. However, the championship quickly gained traction and started attracting prominent manufacturers and teams. Eventually, some prestigious car manufacturers joined the championship, they include:
- Audi;
- BMW;
- Nissan;
- Jaguar;
- and Mercedes-Benz.
This further further validated the importance and potential of electric vehicle technology. Make sure to visit the 1xBet India online casino before the next Formula E race is celebrated.